Project Description

TOP (Tacky Optimizing Puppy) Linux is a LiveCD distribution for international cooperators in emerging countries. It has significant features like following.

1. It can show and input almost all languages. Since you can use it practically wherever you are. (It has Unifont universal font set and scim-m17n global input method.)

2. For frequent PC troubles in emerging countries, it has a lot of maintenance tools. (Partimage for backup, Testdisk for data recovery, ClamTk for anti-virus, and so on.)

3. It has Windows-like look and feel because of easy operation for Linux beginner. (I changed JWM+ROX to Xfce desktop environment.)

4. It can provide quick operation because It is only 100MiB OS with described features. (If your PC has over 256MiB RAM, it works completely in memory. If not, but installing it to HDD or USB flash, you will feel it goodish.)

5. In case operation is heavy (with very old computer or like that), it has some console applications (FD filer, MP editor、w3m browser, dhclient IP-config) for no X environment.

6. For users who have rich Internet or PC, unlimited version of It has an extra module to enable advanced functions (ulmt_421.sfs). When you copy this module to the place of your personal storage file (/mnt/home/pup_save.2fs), following applications become available.

- Psip, Transmission, Axel, Pdict (Internet accessories)
- Firefox with Flash (innovative web browser)
- Thunderbird with Lightning (PIM bundled mailer)
- OpenOffice with JRE (alternative to MS office)
- Stardict (versatile dictionary framework)
- Pidgin (integrated instant messenger)
- Gimp (superior image manipulator)
- Avidemux (codec free video editor)
- Audacity (multi-track sound editor)
- TuxGuitar (music tablature composer)
- Wireshark (network packet analyzer)
- Wine (environment for some Windows apps)


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2013-11-06 15:39
Review by Anonymous

(6 of 15 people found this review helpful)
Puppyの関係で知りました。 TOPLinux楽しみです。 途上国への崇高な意味があったことを知り感激しました。 来年はxpが終了なので多くの人達に知ってもらいたいです。

2012-10-26 17:08
Review by Anonymous

(11 of 16 people found this review helpful)
I've some problems with Unicode in Puppy. This version solves them nicely. Plus, the themes and icons are pleasing to eyes.

2012-08-29 03:12
Review by Anonymous

(12 of 19 people found this review helpful)
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TOP (Tacky Optimizing Puppy) Linux
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