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프로젝트 설명

The Simple components for Ada library provides implementations of smart pointers for automatically collected objects (using reference counting), object persistence, unbounded and bounded arrays of smart pointers, generic unbounded arrays of private objects and plain pointers, generic sets, maps, directed graphs, directed weighted graphs, stacks, and storage pools. It also includes table management, string editing, IEEE 754 support, and infix expression parsing tools. Implementations of some lock-free shared data structures are provided.

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2010-11-07 22:40 Back to release list

Persistent.Data_Bank 패키지 Has_Dependants 절차가 링크를 모든 종류의 계산하도록 확장되었습니다. 버그가 안전하게 삭제에서 역방향 링크를 제거할 수 있도록 Persistent.Data_Bank 패키지에서 해결되었습니다.
Tags: Minor feature enhancements
The Has_Dependants procedure in the Persistent.Data_Bank package was extended to count all types of links. A bug was fixed in the Persistent.Data_Bank package to make it safe to remove backward links from Delete.

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