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프로젝트 설명

Check_MK is a complex addon for Nagios/Icinga and consists of three subprojects. The check and inventory system Check_MK is a general purpose Nagios plugin for retrieving data. It adopts a new approach for collecting data and obsoletes NRPE, check_by_ssh, NSClient, and check_snmp. It features a significant reduction of CPU use on the Nagios host and automatic inventory of items to be checked, and is especially useful with larger Nagios installations. "MK Livestatus" gives immediate and fast access to live and historic Nagios status data. It's a supported backend for many addons including NagVis, NagiosBP, and Thruk. "Check_MK Multisite" is a feature complete replacement for the Nagios GUI, and uses MK Livestatus as a backend. It is very fast, and supports efficient distributed monitoring.

System Requirements

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Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2013-02-17 11:16

Bugfix 릴리스 이다입니다.
This is a bugfix release.

2013-02-12 11:23

이 릴리스는 많은 버그 수정 및 새로운 기능 몇 가지를 추가합니다.

1.2.2 향해 목표로 베타 단계 개시.
This release adds many bugfixes and a couple of new features.

It commences the beta phase aiming towards 1.2.2.

2013-01-19 10:10

이것은 Check_MK 1.2.1의 다음 혁신 릴리스입니다.

Multisite, wato, check_mk의 핵심에 버그 수정 많이 포함.

유연한 알림 기능에 몇 가지 작은 개선, 뷰 및 WATO 확인란 함께 제공 합니다.
Tags: Bug fixes, Feature Enhancement, Stability
This is the next innovation release of Check_MK 1.2.1.

It includes a lot of bugfixes in multisite,
wato, and the core of Check_MK.

It comes with some small improvements in the flexible notification feature,
the checkboxes in views,
and WATO.

2013-01-10 23:08

이 릴리스의 버그 수정 및 거의 모든 구성 요소에도 일부 기능 변경의 수많은 함께 제공 됩니다. 가장 큰 새로운 특징은 그것이 지금 기존 LDAP 인증 시스템과 웹 인터페이스를 연결할 수 있습니다. 여러 성과 작은 기능 개선 WATO 이벤트 콘솔 같은 몇 가지 구성 요소가 되었다.
Tags: Bug fixes, Feature Enhancement, Stability
This release comes with a huge number of bugfixes and also some feature changes in nearly all components. The biggest new feature is that it is now possible to connect the Web interface with an existing LDAP authentication system. Several usability and small feature improvements were made to several components like WATO and the Event Console.

2012-03-10 01:46

이것은 곧 안정 버전 1.2.0의 첫 번째 베타 버전 이다.
Tags: Bugfixes
This is the first beta release of the upcoming
stable version 1.2.0.

Project Resources