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프로젝트 설명

Cego implements a relational and transactional database system with support for the SQL query language. The current release contains the most common database features for basic table manipulation and data retrieval. Indexes, foreign keys, views, and stored procedures are also implemented. Future releases (2.0 and above) will support a multi-node database concept with log file shipping for an automatic database application failover.

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2013-02-05 08:30 Back to release list

정렬 및 그룹화 바뀌었다: 새로운 도입 기본 클래스 순서 지정 및 그룹화 나무를 구축 하는 데 사용 하는 AVLTreeT (lfc 1.4.0 필요). 이제 모든 그룹화 및 순서 지정 쿼리 로그 순서로 수행할 수 있습니다.
Ordering and grouping was changed: the new introduced AVLTreeT base class is used to build up the ordering and grouping trees (requires lfc 1.4.0). Now any grouping and ordering queries can be performed in logarithmic order.

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