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프로젝트 설명

This project is still in under development.

DENNCO is the study project for artificial intelligence systems. The goal of this project is to find the ways to solve the artificial intelligence related agenda like pattern recognition by composing small processing units called 'cell' and connect them each other. Each cell may have different functionalities / roles. Finding the practical way to connect each 'cell's and how they proceed for making the practical outputs for a purpose is the goal of this project. In this project, we use JavaScript for describing the behavior of a cell. The definition of the cell connections are defined by HTML like definition files.

Overview video

System Requirements

운영 체제: MacOSX, Linux, Windows

Download Package list

Dennco Creator - Mac OSX (1 items )

Released at 2012-12-30 01:06
alpha 2.0 (1 files Hide)

Dennco Creator - Windows (2 items Hide)

Released at 2012-12-29 23:46
alpha 2.0.1 (1 files Hide)

Released at 2012-11-04 19:40
alpha 1.0 (1 files Show)

dennco - Mac OSX (3 items Hide)

Released at 2012-12-30 01:00
alpha 2.0 (1 files Hide)

Released at 2012-06-02 18:58
alpha 1.0.1 (1 files Show)

Released at 2012-06-02 10:19
alpha 1.0 (1 files Show)

dennco - Windows (2 items Hide)

Released at 2012-12-29 23:44
alpha 2.0.1 (1 files Hide)

Released at 2012-06-02 09:40
alpha 1.0 (1 files Show)