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프로젝트 설명

Trapgate, Fidonet FTN Mailer with a lot of futures like NetWork Monitor in Realtime, transfers will show in KB, MB, GB and Bytes, HTTP server, Binp, ZedZap, ZModem, Emsi, Yahoo, Wazoo, Host Lookup, Paypal Dontation, Email bug report, Support for Windows XP, Window 7, Window 8 and server versions. Can also be used outside Fidonet hence just as a mail & file transfer service, POP3, SMTP, Gate, FTP and much more.. Enjoy its free but a Donation from 1 cent - x cents would be nice use Donate if you do so.

System Requirements

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Download Package list

Latest 5 files
Name 크기 날짜 Download count
trapgate v3.0.0.1 Beta 001.rar 14.4 MB 2016-11-29 12:40 15
trapgate v 2.01 Alpha 1.rar 1.5 MB 2016-01-18 10:58 1
Trapgate Full Debug 2.00 Beta21.rar 8.8 MB 2015-10-25 14:48 3
Trapgate Final v 1.15.1.rar 6.6 MB 2015-05-24 13:05 8
Netmail.pas 16.3 KB 2014-12-01 00:09 6
All Files
trapgate v3.0.0.1 Beta 001.rar14.4 MB2016-11-29 12:4015
Trapgate 2.00 full debug
trapgate v 2.01 Alpha 1.rar1.5 MB2016-01-18 10:581
Trapgate Full Debug 2.00 Beta21.rar8.8 MB2015-10-25 14:483
Final Older release
Trapgate Final v 1.15.1.rar6.6 MB2015-05-24 13:058
Source codes
ADManager.pas7.9 KB2014-12-01 00:096
ADManager.res10.4 KB2014-12-01 00:095
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Netmail.pas16.3 KB2014-12-01 00:096
p_BinkP.pas65.6 KB2014-12-01 00:094
FasterTCP_Pcg.dpk0.6 KB2014-04-25 11:199
FasterTCP_64bit.dpk0.6 KB2014-04-25 11:195
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FasterTCP ReadMe.txt0.9 KB2014-04-25 11:194
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FasterTCP.pas80.5 KB2014-04-25 11:198
FasterTCP.dcr0.9 KB2014-04-25 11:1910
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pActivePorts.dpk0.6 KB2014-04-25 11:146
ActivePorts.pas12.7 KB2014-04-25 11:145
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ZLib 128
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crc32.c13.3 KB2014-04-25 11:119
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deflate.obj10.5 KB2014-04-25 11:0684
crc32.obj10.5 KB2014-04-25 11:0642
compress.obj0.5 KB2014-04-25 11:0624
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trees.obj22.9 KB2014-04-25 11:048
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inflate.obj24.5 KB2014-04-25 11:0421
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compress.obj1.6 KB2014-04-25 11:0423
adler32.obj3.7 KB2014-04-25 11:0453
ZLibExGZ.pas36.8 KB2014-04-25 11:0180
ZLibExApi.pas13.4 KB2014-04-25 11:0175
ZLibEx.pas72.9 KB2014-04-25 11:01228
ZLibEx.inc5.2 KB2014-04-25 11:0147
ZLibEx.inc4.0 KB2014-04-14 10:5622
ZLIBEX.PAS33.4 KB2014-04-14 10:565
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Maxword.pas0.1 KB2014-04-14 10:567
IcmpAPI.pas8.5 KB2014-04-14 10:5612
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dfsProgressBar.pas1.2 KB2014-04-14 10:562
XiRC.dcr1.7 KB2014-04-14 10:563
Irc.res0.9 KB2014-04-14 10:562
XiRC.pas37.7 KB2014-04-14 10:563
Token.pas1.0 KB2014-04-14 10:562
Irc.dpk0.6 KB2014-04-14 10:566
vortex.dcr0.5 KB2014-04-14 10:562
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Vortexpkg.res1.5 KB2014-04-14 10:565
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VortexCommon.pas2.1 KB2014-04-14 10:562
vortex.pas71.8 KB2014-04-14 10:556
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BaseRules.pas38.3 KB2014-04-14 10:553
trees.obj11.4 KB2014-03-16 09:456
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DelphiZLib.obj4.9 KB2014-03-16 09:457
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crc32.obj11.1 KB2014-03-16 09:4521
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ZLibEx1.pas44.5 KB2014-03-16 09:453
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