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프로젝트 설명

sVimPy is a very small Python virtual machine intended for use in microcontroller projects. At the moment, it supports about 3/4 of all opcodes used in python3k. Most data types are supported. The intended goal is to use this VM in environments like Atmel's ATmega chips (2-8kb RAM). The microcontroller bootloader is still missing (no arduinos left for experimentation). Classes are not supported. Features include: function calling, a stack based VM, garbage collection, very low memory usage, an interactive debugging console, dictionaries and tuples, iterations, VM single stepping (game loop usage is possible), C function calling, a small memory footprint, fast performance, the ability to be used as a library in other projects, a simple API + code, possible usage as a small deployment executable for Python projects.

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2012-01-12 07:12 Back to release list

테스트에 대 한 초기 릴리스입니다.
Tags: Alpha
Initial release for testing.

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