Simple Project List Software Map

3500 projects in result set
LastUpdate: 2014-06-11 11:39


Thunderbird is a total redesign of the Mozilla mail component to produce a cross-platform, stand-alone mail application using the XUL user interface language. It has many new features, among them the ability to customize your toolbars the way you want them. a new look and feel with a large number of downloadable themes which alter the appearance of the client, and the ability to add UI extensions.

LastUpdate: 2022-03-30 22:24


PukiWiki ('PoohKeyWeKey' without any prolonged sounds, comes from 'PHP' and 'YukiWiki') is a wiki implementation that works on PHP 4 and 5, outputs XHTML 1.1, has many plugins (including one for bug tracking) and skins (such as one for embedded browsers), enables English and/or UTF-8 configuration, and features case-insensitive WikiNames. The formatting rules are based on YukiWiki. 'B-Wiki' and 'PukiWikiMod' are ported ones to XOOPS.

Register Date: 2002-06-17 21:12
LastUpdate: 2004-06-29 22:55



개발 현황: 3 - Alpha
자연 언어: Japanese
주제: Printing
Register Date: 2003-06-20 09:40
LastUpdate: 2014-06-04 22:48


IMP, the Internet Messaging Program, allows Web-based access to IMAP and POP3 mail servers and provides a range of features normally found only in desktop email clients.

LastUpdate: 2014-05-24 06:39


TYPO3 CMS is a Web Content Management System which features automatic creation of navigational menus, headlines, and other dynamic graphical elements, automatic conversion and scaling of images, the ability to present different templates based on variables such as client browser or country code, support for multiple templates on a site, and a built-in password-protection option. Pages can be timed to be shown on a certain date, be hidden on a certain date or just temporarily hidden. TYPO3 supports search in SQL-databases and redesigning of a website at once is just a matter of creating a single new template.

(Machine Translation)
LastUpdate: 2014-04-24 01:05


Liferea (Linux Feed Reader) is a fast, easy-to-use, and easy-to-install GTK/GNOME desktop news aggregator for online news feeds and Web logs. It supports the important syndication formats (Atom, RSS, and OPML). Liferea supports offline reading.

LastUpdate: 2014-05-12 22:05


QCAD is an application for computer aided drafting (CAD) in two dimensions (2D). With QCAD, you can create technical drawings such as plans for buildings, interiors, mechanical parts, or schematics and diagrams. QCAD can be easily extended through plugins and its very powerful and complete ECMAScript (JavaScript) interface.

LastUpdate: 2011-09-13 21:28

WiKID Strong Authentication System

The WiKID Strong Authentication System is a highly scalable, secure two-factor authentication system. It is simple to implement and maintain, allows users to be validated automatically, requires no hardware tokens, has a simple API for application support (via Ruby, PHP, Java, COM, Python, etc.), supports multiple domains, and supports replication for fault tolerance and scalability. It also supports mutual /host and transaction authentication, wireless tokens only domains, locked tokens (to your PC), anti-keystroke logger keypad PIN entry, etc.

LastUpdate: 2012-11-08 09:36

IPA Fonts

In using IPA fonts/IPAex fonts, please comply with the terms and conditions set out in "IPA Font License Agreement v1.0:" included in this package. Any use, reproduction or distribution of the IPA Font/IPAex font or any exercise of rights under "IPA Font License Agreement v1.0" by a Recipient constitutes the Recipient's acceptance of the License Agreement.

개발 현황: 5 - Production/Stable
라이센스: IPA Font License
자연 언어: Japanese
운영 체제: OS Independent
주제: Fonts
Register Date: 2010-02-24 15:03
LastUpdate: 2011-01-04 18:14

HandBrake 일본어판

HandBrakeは、DVDやDVDのISOイメージをメディアプレーヤーやPS3/Xbox360/PSPなどのゲーム機などで再生できる形式に変換できるエンコードツールです。オープンソースで開発されており、WindowsやLinux、Mac OS Xで動作します。


  • 下記のようなDVDおよびDVDイメージファイル
    • VIDEO_TSフォルダ
    • DVDイメージ
    • DVDディスク(CSSを含むコピープロテクトが施されたディスクはサポートしていません)
    • .VOBおよび.TSファイル
  • libavformatで読み込み可能で、libavcodecでデコードできる多くのマルチメディアファイル


  • 対応ファイルフォーマット(コンテナ): MP4、MKV、AVI、OGM
  • 対応コーデック(動画): MPEG-4、H.264、Theora(1もしくは2パス、一定品質/レートエンコード)
  • 対応コーデック(音声):AAC、MP3、Vorbis、AC-3(複数音声トラックにも対応)


  • チャプター選択
  • 字幕サポート(画像として埋め込み)
  • ビットレート計算機内蔵
  • デインターレース、トリミング、サイズ変更
  • グレイスケール化


オリジナルのHandBrake(は、複数の有志によって開発されていますが、海外の開発者が開発をしているため、いまのところ日本語化がされていません(日本語環境で問題なく動作します)。本プロジェクトではWindows版/Mac OS X版HandBrakeの日本語化と、日本語化されたアプリケーションの配布を行っています。

개발 현황: 4 - Beta
자연 언어: Japanese
운영 체제: MacOSX, Linux, Windows XP
주제: Conversion
Register Date: 2008-11-26 19:59
LastUpdate: 2014-06-07 03:25


segatex is a tool to configure SELinux policy with the help of a GUI. At the push of a button, it can generate a .te file in the /usr/share/segatex directory. You can then edit your .te file, make a module, and install. You can make any module name and edit current modules. You can install, update, and remove modules. You can semanage list and semanage login, fcontext, and port or set some domain permissive. You can download SELinux-related RPMs, including xguest, sepostgresql, and mod_selinux. You can download Fedora DVD or CDs. You can relabel your system. You can audit2allow by GUI. You can check refpolicy by analyzer. segatex includes its own policy.

(Machine Translation)
LastUpdate: 2014-04-30 20:22


Bluefish is a programmer's Web development editor written using GTK, designed to save the experienced webmaster some keystrokes. It features a multiple file editor, multiple toolbars, custom menus, image and thumbnail dialogs, open from the Web, CSS dialogs, PHP, HTML, Java, C, and XML support, external program integration (tidy, weblint, make, javac), and lots of wizards.

LastUpdate: 2019-02-18 00:00


CharacterManaJ is an application to create a single image by superimposing multiple selected images. It is able to design the avatar by different dresses and different parts by layering them, but not limited to it. In order to run charactermanaj you need to have some images first.

Important! This program does not include image data.

Please prepare the data yourself. Refer to the Wiki document for the procedure.

개발 현황: 4 - Beta
라이센스: Apache License V2.0
자연 언어: Japanese
운영 체제: MacOSX, Linux, Windows
프로그래밍 언어: Java
User Interface: Java Swing
Register Date: 2010-08-27 07:58
LastUpdate: 2013-04-30 22:25


Zim is a graphical text editor used to maintain a collection of wiki pages. Each page can contain links to other pages, simple formatting, and images. Pages are stored in a folder structure, like in an outliner, and can have attachments. Creating a new page is as easy as linking to a nonexistent page. All data is stored in plain text files with wiki formatting. Various plugins provide additional functionality, like a task list manager, an equation editor, a tray icon, and support for version control. Zim can be used to keep an archive of notes, take notes during meetings or lectures, organize task lists, draft blog entries and email, or do brainstorming.

LastUpdate: 2010-12-06 22:00

Smarty PHP template engine

Smarty is a template engine for PHP, facilitating the separation of presentation (HTML/CSS) from application logic. This implies that PHP code is application logic, and is separated from the presentation. The Smarty design was largely driven by these goals: clean separation of presentation from application code; a PHP backend and Smarty template frontend; compliment PHP, not replace it; fast development/deployment for programmers and designers; quick and easy to maintain; a syntax that is easy to understand, with no PHP knowledge required; flexibility for custom development; and security (insulation from PHP).